Introducing Customer Journey Map Templates and Descriptions

Don’t start from a blank map if you don’t want to. Get inspired by successful map structures.

Customer Journey Map Templates

We have prepared 2 Customer Journey Map (Experience Map, User Map or Service Blueprint) templates, and more will come.

Screen showcasing different customer journey map templates.

They are great starting points and inspiration for a vast category of services. The structure in them focuses on change, development and implementation in order to make your insights actionable.

  • Elderly Need for Care Template - Great starting point for Customer Journey Maps for life changing medical treatment and care services.
  • Vacation Travel Template - Great Customer Journey Map starting point for leisure services that are planned in advance such as Hotels, Restaurants, Museums etc.

Read more about them here or chose them in the app.


A feature that many of our power users request is the ability to add descriptions. So now you can do this on the Map Headline, the Lanes and the Sub-lanes Editor. The descriptions are great to add general map clarifications, instructions, memo notes, or i.e. to describe if a certain lane applies to a specific persona.

A GIF showing how to write a description on a card n a customer journey map.

60 cards in the Free version

Previously, the Free version was limited to 15 cards. We have received feedback that this is too little and therefore, we increased the free limit to 60 cards. Voilá, evaluate and see the amazing result Custellence brings to your organization before subscribing.

Use Custellence to map, analyse, innovate, engage, implement and keep improving! Bring your team and colleagues on board to create the best customer experiences in your industry. Best luck!

By Daniel Ewerman

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