The #1 way to create customer journeys that delivers results

Drive business growth by transforming insights into successful customer experiences. Design, manage, and optimize every journey with our platform.

A journey map showing the possibility to create sub-lanes to include more data around a specific event or touchpoint.
Measuring customer satisfaction score to see the effect from customer experience initiatives.
Showing a picture with a visual of NPs score. Both as a diagram and percentage of promoters, passive and detractors.

Trusted by 1000+CX experts around the world

Explore Custellence

Discover the full potential of Custellence´s customer journeys, designed to streamline customer experience, increase productivity, and enhance organisational communication.

Your customers are your business

Your customers are the heart of your business. Understanding their needs and delivering on and above their expectations is key. We help you create experiences that your customers will love and recommend.

2X faster than other tools
High data security
Most flexible journey maps
Real-time collaboration
A happy woman pointing to the left towards increased revenue using customer journey mapping.
A pop-up showing raises revenue when working with customer experience.
Showing higher sales when collaborating with the journey mapping.

Our users shared their love for Custellence

See how other businesses benefit from our tool with efficient collaboration, streamlined workflows, and enhanced customer experiences.

The customer journeys and the detailed digitalization map based on those, help us see how it´s all connects. We use them in daily short term work as well as in long term prioritization and decision making.

Kristina Schiller

Head of Communications - Fora

Custellence is a simple enough to use it intuitively, yet versatile enough to customise it for different types of journeys. I can create my own pattern pf system visualisation both visually and logically.

Kaya Kim

Service / Interactions Designer - Volkswagen AG

It saves me time! I've tried other tools and they're killing me. I can just start wherever I want and put down what's in my head. Custellence helps me evolve along with the customer journey and goes along with our discovery process.

Jin Wan

Senior Customer Experience Designer - New Zealand Post

My job is to bring the customer story into the company while my colleagues work on their objectives. Time is a critical resource, and no one wants to look at long and complex documents.You only have a short time, and when I present a Custellence-map I get attention quickly and people get curious and want to know more.

Stephan Limpert

Head of Customer Experience & Quality Management - StepStone Germany

Mapping the customer journey has been rewarding and has resulted in tangible benefits. Through a well-structured approach and in-depth interviews with our customers, we have gained valuable insights into the different phases of the customer journey for the selected target audience. These insights will be actively integrated into our ongoing work.

Mattias Ångström

Head of E-mobility - OKQ8

Easy to edit and add, move or amend journey stages as stakeholder discussions identify new points to capture. Having used other graphics tools to map journeys in the past, I found this a lot simpler to use with some great features.

Steve C


Engaging people, keeping the bigger picture in mind and collaborating without having to be in the same room are important aspects in this project.

Pia McAleenan

Project Manager - Co-lab Sweden

One of the reasons we won the client, is that we advocated to use Customer Journey Map as a long term change plan. And Custellence is the perfect tool which enables us to do that in an easy way.

Marc Fonteijn

Founding Partner - 31 Volts

Custellence is a partner of Kaospilot's Experience Design professional program, because we love their tool.

Andy Sontag

Program Leader - Kaospilot Experience Design

Custellence makes it possible for me to easily highlight needs, map customer experience and identify areas of improvement.

Kristina Staf

Project Manager - Ledarna

The tool is easy enough for everyone to get started in, as well as being flexible, modular and adaptable to fit virtually all industries, customers, situations and organisations.

Jerker Knape

Service Designer

It´s easier to moderate discussions and make decisions when we´re looking at the same goals, instead of getting stuck in design details. This is why I love Custellence.

Anna Kilander

Customer Development Manager - Modern Insurances

Quick and easy to get started with your journeys

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Start with our free plan and evolve over time or get a packed paid plan right from the start. The subscription is just a click away.

Map Your First Journey

You can now start mapping your first customer journey, simply by using a template or create it completely from scratch.

Start Collaborating

Invite team members to your workspace, or the whole organization if you prefer. Start collaborating on journeys and take your customer experience to the next level.

An image showing different variations of customer journey map templates.

Frequently asked questions

As trusted by highly-regulated industries such as financial services, insurance companies and the medtech industry around the world, we strive to continuously meet and exceed the security standards and regulations on data and personal security that is expected by our customers. We have both SOC 2 certification as well as advanced roles and permissions to make you feel completely safe using our tool.

Read more at our trust center.