Engage, collaborate and lead the customer centric change, with effortless journey mapping

Creating great customer experience is a teamwork. Sharing maps, collaborating with your team and managing the people and journey maps in your Custellence workspace is easy and smooth.

150.000+ Journey maps created

Trusted by 1000+ CX experts around the world

Manage teams and maps in your Custellence workspace

Invite members to your Custellence workspace and enjoy easy sharing and collaboration, no matter if your team is remote or in the same room. Roles and permissions making sure that everyone that should have access does. For stakeholders or other viewers you can simply use a passcode link to share it.

A happy team sitting together and working on their phones or laptops. They have access to different maps depending on their role and department which can be seen in the bottom left corner illustrating the workspace and collections thats open to certain users.

Connect your journey maps with your workflow

Stay close to your customer journeys at all times, even after the discovery phase. Use links to connect a lane or a map to your other collaboration tools like Google, Microsoft, Slack, Jira, Trello or Asana. With workflow links your never far away from your customer insights.

Three people looking at a laptop and a circle in the corner of the picture showing examples of all connections that can be done to align Custellence journey maps with the companys workflow and the tools they are using in their everyday work. The examples are e.g. slack, google, microsoft, asana, trello, jira, hubspot and others.

Comment & follow important changes

Get the latest updates in your workspace with notifications and comments. Keep track of who’s done what by following a card, lane or workspace. Collaborate smoothly with card comments and get a great overview with the latest comments in the summary slide-out.

A digital tool with charts and data visualization displayed on screen, illustrating a step-by-step process with sections highlighted in various colors, accompanied by a document, chat icon, and proactive notification alerts

Use your maps as change plans

In Custellence there's no need to toggle between one map for the AS-IS and one for the TO-BE state. Instead, use the status settings feature on the cards to show if something is going to be developed, be removed, or should stay as it is.

A journey map with a pop-up showing the different statuses a card can have depending on if the card is in progress, done or standby.

Feel confident about your data

Rest assure that we continuously work to not only meet but exceed the security standards and regulations on data and personal security that our users expect from us. We are SOC2 certified and follow both GDPR and ISO27001 standards.

A collection of map templates with a security symbol in the top left corner, showing that Custellence have the highest data security.

Most popular questions

These are some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

To make it as easy as possible for everyone in the team, department or organization to have the same view, any document and links can be added to each card. If you have trouble with several documents connected to e.g. the first onboarding meeting, you can be sure that everyone will use the same documents thanks to doc and link embed.

Your customers are your business

Custellence help you ensure that both succeed.