A prototype of change management

Train tracks showing different paths to take.

Custellence is a dynamic customer journey tool that enables organizations to unite around customer needs.

Change is good, we all know that. But how do we approach and manage change in customer-centric organizations?

From user interactions with our clients we have understood that you all have a mixture of approaches. Some people work with change based on a greater vision, that describes where the organization aim to be and deliver on in the future, and then work step by step towards that vision. Other people start by identifying touchpoints that are working bad or suboptimal, and systematically work to remove sub and arrive at an optimal customer experience.

These approaches are often applied interchangeably, depending on your customer and business needs. We understand that, and have no preferences. Different situations require different tools. It’s all for the greater good of your customers and your business. However, there are some common denominators to change management regardless approach. Change management requires a shared understanding of what is going to happen, and the process to get there. It involves the inside of the company; both the change agents and the change recipients.

Change management in Custellence

So, how do we facilitate this in Custellence? Based on our users’ feedback, we have created a way of managing different change approaches in the customer journey map. It works both with a greater vision, and touchpoint-specific changes.

How it works

A customer journey consists of a number of activities. If we look at the activities from the perspective of change management, all activities have a status: They might be on their way out, on their way in, or they might just remain as they are. When working with delivering on a future scenario, all touchpoints are on their way in. To define the process to arrive at the vision, several intermediate customer journeys might be necessary, comprising a mixture of touchpoints of different status. When working with improving a customer journey, there will be touchpoints that are to be removed, and possibly new touchpoints to replace suboptimal ones.

See an example of the approaches here.

At Transformator Design we are currently co-developing a digital service together with our clients, Custellence (Customer Experience Excellence), a dynamic service map tool. The idea for the service came about when we understood that our clients was using our deliveries (service and customer journey maps) as a starting point for change implementation. They where asking for a tool that would allow them them to lead their organisation’s work of implementing customer insights, that would help them set priorities and road maps. What they wanted was a systematic approach to customer experience management.

What else is required?

So we started concepting and building Custellence, a platform for customer experience strategies and implementation work. A platform that facilitates a customer-centric company culture, and enables the organisation to reach customer experience targets.

In any company setting, change is most often associated with a roadmap. Projects. Things to do. We don’t aspire to handle your project management, but we do believe you will want to see the change progress and accountability in Custellence. That is why we have created a process section, where information about who’s responsible can be added, possible relations to other projects and other information.

The change feature is an early prototype so please let us know what you think. Really. We do want to know, because our development process involves you at every corner.

How do you manage change? Share your stories with us at #custellencechange.

By Transformator Design

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